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 Please gimme advice

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Please gimme advice Empty
MessageSujet: Please gimme advice   Please gimme advice EmptyVen 8 Déc à 13:05

Hello all
I didn’t know into which thread to post this message.
If I posted in the wrong one please move it in the right thread.
I am a dentistry student, and want to make a website on the teeth treatment problems and teeth implants.

I wrote several articles for this theme, installed the wordpress engine, but I don’t like what I see in the result.
Could you recommend me a designer who could improve the look of my website and how much it would cost me.

Here is an example of my website Dental Plans
Thank you in advance. Here is the contact email
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Nombre de messages : 283
Localisation : Suisse profonde (sauf pour le röschti)
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

Please gimme advice Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Please gimme advice   Please gimme advice EmptyMar 13 Fév à 14:59

Hey dude,

you're on the website of a music band, and we're not really

interested in dentistry etc...

but if you really need help you can go here :

Ho, dentistry hurts.

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